Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Kurths 2010

St. Luke's United Methodist Pumpkin Patch was the location of this year's Kurth family portrait, but with a twist.  G-ma, G-Pa & Aunt L were in attendance.  The kids had fun exploring (the youngest with his mouth :) the pumpkins and obliged me with a few "look at the camera" smiles.

For those of you who don't know, Derek was my first friend at Texas A&M.  Never would I had imagine that when I answered my dorm door to this stranger (wondering how he got in a locked dorm) he'd one day be father of three and I'd annually photograph his sweet family.  

Of course that was about two years before he met his beautiful wife
which always seems to change a guy into to words like responsible
and less mischievous ... well, responsible at least.

We came to the pumpkin patch for a photo that looked something like this:

But of course this one is my favorite:

Baby D has won the Kurth Family Funniest Baby Photo (that I've taken) Award:

His inquisitive smile cracks me up every time I go through the photos.

And then the "Klassic Kute Kurth Kids" photos which are a staple of every shoot with them:

I think the best thing with age is gaining life experiences and being old enough to say to kids, "I remember when your parents went on their first date."  What a privilege to be witness to a family from it's beginning and see the children you've prayed for grow and become their own persons.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Naptime in the Harmon Household: No Humans Allowed

Before I moved into our home, this cat took up "temporary" residence (that was August 2009).  We are cat sitting for a friend who moved to the UK on a short term assignment, married a delightful Polish woman while there and has since stayed until she can get a visa to move back with him. 

Fat Cat, who I renamed Leona convinced that he was a she and no woman wants to be called "fat" (she's actually a he; I have come to terms with the fact), and I have had a love/hate relationship.  He loves to rub on my legs, I hate the allergy attack that ensues.  This cat is the most loving "as close as a dog cat" one could have and I'm not quite sure what we'll do with ourselves once she/he's gone. 

Nevertheless, there are times that the love/hate relationship surfaces.  I've actually built up a bit of immunity to the allergies and he understands I don't like my legs rubbed on, but then....

He loves to nap and snore right next to me. (aka rubbing it in ; )

I hate that I can't nap. 

I have been blessed with all the work I can handle.  School portrait orders are coming in and I'm busy processing them.  I also have pumpkin patch photos from this past weekend.  Those are coming soon! 


p.s. Yes, the cat is laying on papers that missed the recycle bin, two hard, grey disks (one completely under the cat) and a power cord.  What?  Doesn't your cat sleep on similar objects?  Actually, his favorite bed is a cardboard box lined with a plastic cover off of the last bed pillow I purchased.