So what have I been up to lately?
Un-packing and decorating (unfortunately the un-packing and the organizing gets in the way a lot of the decorating) and, this past month, hanging out with the students of Trinity Lutheran School & Children's Center (downtown) trying my hand at school and sport portrait photography.
This weekend I get a special treat: a second Kurth family photo shoot for the year (normally only a once a year event since we live half of Texas away from each other) with a new twist: fun g-parents Kurth included! We'll be pumpkin patching it up and pretending it's actually fall and not Texas Summer round two - allergies included.
Looking ahead:
About a year ago I stopped looking at other photographer's sites unless I knew them personally. I think at the begining of my career it was good to see what was out there, but after awhile I felt polluted by other peoples ideas making it harder to find my own vision for what I wanted my images to convey. During this professional time off from photography I've decided I feel very strongly abut three things:
1) Weddings aren't for me. My back problems that have plagued me since 3rd grade will most likely never go away. I just am not able at this time to hold up to the physical demands of an 8 hour day of shooting. I'll still consider requests to shoot small, short weddings but that will not be the focus of my business.
2) Portraiture is for me. I dislike being photographed. A lot. I think I have two good angles: lens held above my head pointed down, lens pointed away from me and at something more willing to have it's photo taken. Like a tree. Oddly, people like me are the ones I like to photograph. I know how I feel when I finally see a photo of myself I like and I want to give others that same feeling. I want someone to see the beauty I see in them.
3) 96% of my friends got married during or right after our college years. I'm now going through the friend baby boom and I find myself in awe of the process of growing a person. I believe that having a diverse portfolio is important to keep one's work fresh and to grow creatively, but at the same time I feel led to focus on maternity portraits for awhile. There's a lot of the same-o same-o out there, and I think it could be so much more. There's a good possibility I'll just come up with more "same-o same-o" but I think it's worth a shot.
Finally, what's a blog without a give-a-way?
I'm looking for 4 mom-to-bes over the next few months who are willing to be my guinea pigs for a few ideas I have. In return you will receive 5 printable, edited images on a CD, be featured on this very blog & my website, and have my gratitude, of course.
Wow- glad you are back. Love love love your work! Can't wait to see all the great new stuff you produce. And of course I enjoy your witty writings too! Blessings sweet friend!