Monday, February 14, 2011

Arranging Frames

I have immense esteem for interior decorators when it comes to arranging frames on walls.  After purchasing these photo shelves from Ikea my arrangement seems lackluster when compared to the Ikea catalog.

But of course, Ikea is awesome in so many different ways including this "idea catalog" of how to arrange and hang frames here.

Does that idea of putting extra holes in your wall trying to come  up with the right pattern make you cringe? 
Check out this tutorial over at Isabella & Max Rooms for a hanging game plan that should help reduce nail holes.

What type of decorator are you when it comes to your walls?  The more the better or one big piece is best?



  1. Just had to add this link:

    Very cool arrangement of mirrors. I am working on this (in my head) and bought 2 mirrors at the Dollar Store to practice on. I also want to do a wall of old family photos, sorta like a family tree. This is still in my head- but I really like how the Isabella & Max link used brown paper to make a plan first. Gotta get some!

    That Ikea link is great b/c it says to imagine your collection in an invisible frame. I like how all of those frames form a square. Let's see pics of your house, Tiff!

  2. I love a great frame collage! Which method is best? I think it depends on the space but also the artwork itself and what you want to draw the most attention to. If the artwork is your focal point I think less if more but if you come across a group of frames or have a few similar photos you want to showcase then collages are great and can add a lot of character to a space. I think collage trial runs are soooo important especially if you want to minimize holes in your wall.

    I also learned the other day that our local glass company who we generally refer for shower doors and large bathroom mirrors also hangs frame, mirrors, and artwork. I thought this was a great added service to offer.
