Friday, March 18, 2011

Senior Session Sneak Peak

I spent part of this week in my hometown photographing my (supermodel) cousin.  She's somehow a senior in high school.  I guess this makes me old since I can very vividly remember hogging holding her all afternoon at her Baptism party as an infant, and my vivid memories don't go back that far.  Unlike my husband, I can't remember things all the way back from when I was two.  This was meant to be a sneak peak, but almost turned into a full post.  Oops!  There were so many favorites I had to stop myself from tweaking before I finish editing.  There will be a second post once she's had a chance to see all of them.

1 comment:

  1. I guess I put my comment on FB, but I want to write it here too- OMG! WOW! This gal is beautiful and your photography is awesome. Great job!
